KLHE kids Newsletter
Free of charge!


KLHE kids Newsletter

Dear reader,

Our children’s books are becoming more and more popular. We focus on exciting and, above all, entertaining content, enriched with important lessons and modern morals. With this in mind, we have developed a unique Newsletter, based on the extensive experience of our authors.

The kids-Letter contains amusing illustrations, continuous stories, additional material and information. Subscribers to the KLHE kids Newsletter also receive tips on exclusive children’s book offers, are the first to know about new works and enjoy regular gift promotions!

Additional material included in the KLHE newsletter for children:

Free PDF book download

  • The fun sports activity book (PDF)
  • Mom, who really lives in the sea? (PDF)

Graphics and

  • Loki the monkey and his friends on the secret island
  • The best of the KLHE-kids activity books
  • Best of the KLHE-kids series „Mom, who really lives…?“


GbR - C. Klein & J. Helbig
Hortensienstraße 26
40474 Düsseldorf
© 2020


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